eBay Increase Order History View From 90 Days to 2 Years

John W Hayes
2 min readFeb 9, 2023

Regardless of whether your peak trading period falls during the last three months of the year, the summer months, or rides on the back of the good intentions that come with the new year, few businesses aren’t impacted by seasonality. Therefore, having the ability to look back at your historical sales data is vital to ensure you are making the right decisions moving forward.

Historic sales data doesn’t only help you make informed stock-purchasing decisions. It enables you to better manage resources in your business, like customer services, warehousing, staffing levels, cash flow, and marketing.

Sales Trends

But for historical sales data to be really useful, it needs to show trends.

Data that goes back 12 months only tells you about your situation last year. It won’t tell you if sales trends are going up or down and whether you should attempt to sell more or reduce your risk in a particular product line. So the fact that eBay previously only let sellers access 90 days’ sales history was a big problem.

The good news is eBay has listened to its sellers and expanded its order history view from 90 days to 2 years.

View Historic eBay Sales Data



John W Hayes

Marketing Strategist, Author of #BecomingTHEExpert, Content Marketing Trainer, and Cyclist. Check out my author profile: https://amzn.to/2OO5DR5