Member-only story
Content-Led Design Is King: Take Ownership Of Your eBay Listings
It’s a bone of contention amongst many eBay sellers. After battling their way to the top of eBay search through the implementation of listing optimisation best practices (paid and organic), sellers still do not own their eBay listing pages.
eBay product pages have to share a substantial part of their listings with their competitors’ offers. In fact, buyers will be given several opportunities to visit similar sponsored items before they have the chance to view your complete product description and company details. For generic items, this means a sale can be quickly won or lost on price alone, with lower-priced competitive offers quickly destroying your conversion rates.
Tough love time. This problem isn’t about to go away any time soon. As advertising revenue becomes increasingly important to eBay’s business model, sellers must work smarter and harder to retain their competitive advantage.
Your First Line of Defence
The good news is there is nothing particularly complicated about taking greater ownership of your eBay listings. Instead, it’s often very much a case of following those eBay listing best practices that Frooition (and eBay itself) constantly bang on about.